The numbers are staggering.

There are over 3,887 low-income seniors in the Niagara Region who are on the the waiting list for affordable housing, many of whom are on the verge of becoming homeless. Like Dorothy, they are on an endless waitlist, and face long, unstable and costly delays while moving around or waiting for suitable housing.

These seniors are mainly widowed women who are having a hard time making ends meet. They are losing their homes due to soaring rent or renovictions, and have nowhere to go.

They need access to safe, affordable housing, as their next steps are the shelter system or, worse, living on the streets or in their cars.

Nest Niagara has created a supportive and compassionate network to help seniors acquire affordable housing. Our unique housing model brings the community together to keep seniors housed and prevent homelessness so they can live a more dignified, healthy, happy and prosperous life.

Your donation can be the difference between a senior having a home or being homeless. Your choice to be a part of someone's housing story is a significant step towards a brighter future for these seniors in need.